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              卞光凱,博士,中國科學(xué)院深圳先進(jìn)技術(shù)研究院合成生物學(xué)研究所,研究員,博士生導師,中國科學(xué)院青年人才計劃。研究方向主要聚焦于天然產(chǎn)物生物合成與高效生物制造。2017年于武漢大學(xué)獲得生物化學(xué)與分子生物學(xué)博士學(xué)位。近5年來(lái),在Nature,Nat. Catal.,Nat. Commun.,PNAS,Adv. Mater,JACS,Angew,Metab. Eng.等期刊上發(fā)表一作/通訊(含共同)文章十余篇。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金青年及面上項目(3項)、承擔科技部重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃(2項)等科研項目等多項經(jīng)費。


              2012.09-2017.06 武漢大學(xué)藥學(xué)院,生物化學(xué)與分子生物學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),博士學(xué)位

              2009.09-2012.06 江蘇師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院,植物學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),碩士學(xué)位

              2005.09-2009.06 徐州師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院,生物技術(shù)專(zhuān)業(yè),學(xué)士學(xué)位



              2022.12-至今 ?????中國科學(xué)院深圳先進(jìn)技術(shù)研究院,研究員

              2022.01- 2022.11 ?武漢大學(xué)中南醫院藥學(xué)研究院,研究員

              2020.01-2021.12 ??武漢大學(xué)藥學(xué)院,副研究員

              2017.07-2019.12 ??武漢大學(xué)基礎醫學(xué)院,博士后









              1.?Tao, H.#, Lauterbach, L.#, Bian, G.#, Chen, R.#, Hou, A.#, Mori, T.#, Cheng, S., Hu, B., Lu, L., Mu, X., Adachi, N., Kawasaki, M., Moriya, T., Senda, T., Wang, X., Deng, Z., Abe, I.*, Dickschat, J. S.*, Liu, T.* (2022),?Discovery of non-squalene triterpenes. Nature, 2022, 606, 414-419.

              2.?Yuan, Y.#, Cheng, S.#, Bian, G.#, Yan, P., Ma,?Z., Dai, W., Chen,?R., Fu, S., Huang, H.,?Chi, H., Cai, Y., Deng, Z., Liu, T.* (2022), Efficient exploration of terpenoid biosynthetic gene cluster in filamentous fungi. Nature Catalysis, 5, 259–267.

              3.?Wang, Q., Hu, Z., Li, Z., Liu, T.*, Bian, G.*, Exploring the application and prospects of synthetic biology in engineered living materials. Advanced Materials, 2023, 2305828.

              4.?Chen, R., Jia, Q., Mu, X., Hu, B., Sun, X., Deng, Z., Chen, F.*, Bian, G.*, Liu, T.*?(2021), Systematic mining of fungal chimeric terpene synthases using an efficient precursor-providing yeast chassis. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences,?118, 29, DOI, 10.1073/pnas.2023247118.

              5.?He, H.#, Bian, G.#, Herbst-Gervasoni, C. J.#, Mori, T., Shinsky, S. A., Hou, A., Mu, X., Huang, M., Cheng, S., Deng, Z., Christianson, D. W.*, Abe, I.*, Liu, T.* (2020). Discovery of the cryptic function of terpene cyclases as aromatic prenyltransferases.?Nature Communications,?11(1), 1-13.

              6.?Siemon, T.#, Wang, Z.#, Bian, G.?#, Seitz, T., Ye, Z., Lu, Y., Cheng, S., Ding, Y., Huang, Y., Deng, Z., Liu, T.*, Christmann, M.* (2020). Semisynthesis of plant-derived Englerin A enabled by microbe engineering of guaia-6, 10 (14)-diene as building block.?Journal of the American Chemical Society,?142(6), 2760-2765.

              7.?Bian, G.#, Rinkel, J.#, Wang, Z.#, Lauterbach, L., Hou, A., Yuan, Y., Deng, Z., Liu, T.*, Dickschat, J. S.* (2018). A clade II‐D fungal chimeric diterpene synthase from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides?produces dolasta‐1 (15), 8‐diene. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(48), 15887-15890.

              8.?Bian, G.#, Hou, A.#, Yuan, Y., Hu, B., Cheng, S., Ye, Z., Ding, Y., Deng, Z., Liu, T.* (2018). Metabolic engineering-based rapid characterization of a sesquiterpene cyclase and the skeletons of fusariumdiene and fusagramineol from Fusarium graminearum.?Organic Letters,?20(6), 1626-1629.

              9.?Bian, G., Deng, Z., & Liu, T.* (2017). Strategies for terpenoid overproduction and new terpenoid discovery.?Current Opinion in Biotechnology,?48, 234-241.

              10.?Bian, G.#, Han, Y.#, Hou, A., Yuan, Y., Liu, X., Deng, Z., Liu, T.* (2017). Releasing the potential power of terpene synthases by a robust precursor supply platform.?Metabolic Engineering,?42, 1-8.